Hello, Felicia:

Firstly, congratulations on the recent publications of the memoir, I schemed through it last night, and it looks extremely entertaining, so I'm looking forward to the actual perusal of your megna opus.
Secondly, my name is Chi-Hung, or Kikou, if you wish to pronounce the Chinese Characters in Japanese, I have been a fan of yours since 2011. I am both an disabled person and also, working as a assistive technology advocate for a local Independent Living Center here at Riverside California.
I am writing you today, to see if I can get you to convince your publisher Simon and Schuster, to enable the Text to Speech function on the Kindle Version of your memoir. As a fellow geek, you are probably aware that owners of Kindle Fire tablets can have their tablet read to them in mechanical voice (IVONA), and if one owns both the Kindle and Audible copies, the mechanical voice would be replaced by the human voice. However, such function cannot be accessed if the publisher disables text to speech, and, the kindle and audible copies would remain separate.
I understand why the publishers might want to disable text to speech, especially when there is an audiobook on the market, but as a matter of principle, a book, especially an e-book, should be as accessible as possible. I apologise that my English isn't very good.
Best of luck for all your future endeavors
heart emoticon, Luke


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