
Showing posts from May, 2013

Extract from a debate

Michele: Let us leave topic of whether the "so called rich" are more likely to go abroad, I'll come back to this point later. Let's consider your proposal and admit the ones most likely to succeed, (which is basically the German model, and also Ironic, because this model works in Germany precisely because the as a Social Democracy, Germany has achieved "the happy average) I am telling you, if this model is followed in South African context you, will be condemning millions of poor South Africans the opportunity of social mobility, for this very reason alone, unequal technological access...Consider the scenario of reading three chapters for the test next week:  Rich kids: Get picked up in a car, drove home, tell maid to make tea, take out the iPad, or Kindle Fire HD, download the entire book, (under 1 minutes using Fibre optic) drinks his tea, and put on the headphone, text to speech will read the entire 3 chapters in an hour, and he can repeat the process as much